- Infant and Toddler Care
- Diapering
- Rest and Sleep
- Animals
- Transportation
- Play Equipment
- Activities
- Medications
- Food and Nutrition
- Health and Infection Control
- Emergency Preparedness and Response
- Child Safety and Injury Prevention
- Child Guidance and Interaction
- Child Supervision and Security
- Ratios and Group Size
- Positive Guidance
- Preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
- Nutrition Program
- How to Use a Bodily Fluid Cleanup Kit
- Development of the Brain
- Recognizing Homelessness
- Preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome
- Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
- Transportation of Children
- Child Discipline and Behavioral Expectations
- Food Preparation and Diapering
- Sick Children
- Confidentiality
- Accountability for Children and Authorized Release
- Supervision and Protection of Children
- Emergency Evacuation and Relocation
- Emergency Shut Off of Gas, Electricity, and Water
- Procedures for Fire, Earthquake, Flood, Water Failure, Power Failure, and Man-Caused Emergency
- Responding to Medical Emergencies and Serious Injuries